Theoretical and COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE Seminar Neuron

The Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Seminar at Univeristy of Texas, Houston Medical School meets every Tuesday, 4:00pm, in the seventh floor conference room 7.046.

Graduates should register to this as a course: GS 140111

We present and discuss recent developments in computational neuroscience, attempting a thorough understanding of the material as well as a wide view of the current literature.

Would you like to join? Please see our schedule and show up to our next meeting.

Like to be on the email list? Send a request to Harel Shouval: [email protected]

Fall 2010 SCHEDULE
9/13 Wei Ji Ma

Behavior and neural basis of near-optimal visual search Ma WJ, Navalpakkam V, Beck JM, Van den Berg R, Pouget A (2011)
Nature Neuroscience 14 (6), 783-90


Michael Beauchamp

A normalization model of multisensory integration
Tomokazu Ohshiro, Dora E Angelaki & Gregory C DeAngelis. Nature Neurosci (2011) suppemental

9/27 Jon Flynn Adaptive Drift-Diffusion Process to Learn Time Intervals
Francois Rivest Yoshua Bengio (2011)
10/4 Mingbo Cai A Model of Interval Timing by Neural Integration
Patrick Simen, Fuat Balci, Laura deSouza, Jonathan D. Cohen, and Philip Holmes J. Neurosci. (2011)
10/11 Dimitry Yatsenko Sparse low-order interaction network underlies a highly correlated and learnable neural population code. Ganmor et al PNAS (2011)
10/18 Harel Shouval Generating Coherent Patterns of Activity
from Chaotic Neural Networks
David Sussillo and L.F. Abbott supplementary
11/1 Katie Hedrick Conditional dendritic spike propagation followingdistal synaptic activation of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons Jarsky et al (2005)
11/8 Steve Cox Reduced order modeling of passive and quasi-active
dendrites for nervous system simulation
Boyuan Yan · Peng Li (2011)
11/15   Society for Neuroscience
11/22 Anuja Chandersekar A diffusion-activation model of CaMKII translocation waves in dendrites
Earnshaw and Bressloff (2010)
11/29 Stuart Red Neural mechanisms of saccade target selection: gated accumulator model of the visual–motor cascade Schall et al (2011)
12/6 Yili Zhang Recovery of rhythmic activity in a central pattern generator: analysis of the role of neuromodulator and activity-dependent mechanisms by Yili Zhang & Jorge Golowasch (2011)
12/13 Sarah Baum Multisensory Calibration Is Independent of Cue Reliability
Adam Zaidel, Amanda H. Turner, and Dora E. Angelaki (2011)
12/20 Chris Conner  

Previous semesters

2011 Spring

2010 Fall Spring

2009 Fall Spring

Related Links:

1. List of Theoretical and Computational Talks in the Houston area

2. Archive of recent interesting theoretical papers

3. UTH Seminars

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